ELLEfit 是ELLE推出的o2o時髦運動生活方式的社交平臺,最潮流健康的生活方式,最時髦專業的運動知識,吃、穿、妝、煉面面俱到。ELLEfit持續精選新潮運動項目,引領運動潮流風尚;攜手明星,達人,教練共同打造時髦人的運動生活圈。 為了打造時髦人的運動生活圈,ELLEfit推出了全新的會員站,微信賬號,從內容傳播到用戶數據,從活動報名到KOL管理,全方位深化ELLEfit在運動市場的品牌滲透和用戶基數。 一年內ELLEfit合作品牌和空間超200個,線上線下活動全網品牌曝光量超2億次。

ELLEfit is an o2o female community of chic & active lifestyle, where you can find the most fashionable and healthy life style, the trendiest professional information about fitness. From food, fashion, to make-up and workout, everything you need to know is here. ELLEfit dedicates to empowering women in becoming active and establishes a community comprised of celebrities, KOL, trainer and fitness fanatics. With its own member platform and Wechat account, ELLEfit seizes target users in sports market by delivering unique content, consistent marketing campaigns and experienced KOL management with influential brand awareness. Within one year, more than 200 brands and spaces had cooperation with ELLEfit, and ELLEfit’s total brand exposure and page views have reached over 200 million via online & offline campaigns.
