
1945年,ELLE雜志創刊于法國巴黎,是世界最大的時尚雜志品牌,全球發行44個版本,在全媒體平臺影響著超過1600萬高端女性?!禘LLE世界時裝之苑》是第一本進入中國的國際高端女性大刊,至今一直扮演著風格推手與創新潮流角色,始終為中國風尚界創造新的震撼。ELLE中國鼓勵女性發現個人風格并追求自身發展,倡導女人享受自己的現在,同時開闊視野,做一個有風格的優雅女性。如今,ELLE中國擁有雜志、ELLE中文網、微博、微信SUPERELLE超媒體IP、ELLEplus手機應用、ELLEfit時髦運動IP、ELLE active女性論壇、ELLE風尚大典及ELLE招行聯名信用卡,女性持卡人近300萬。ELLE始終致力于創造更有話題,引領潮流的內容,在多媒體平臺上發出時尚界最強音。

Established in 1945 in Paris, ELLE is the world’s largest fashion magazine with 44 editions around the world, reaches more than 16 million highly engaged women across all mediums. ELLE China was the first high-profile international fashion magazine launched in China, to quickly become a powerhouse for creating and leading new trends and styles, shaping the landscape of China’s fashion world. ELLE China encourages women to discovering their own personal style and pursue self-development. The magazine advocates a sense of elegance, enhanced by the idea of living for the moment, informed by an expanding world view. Today, ELLE China has progressed to variety of multimedia platforms ,including ELLE magazine, ellechina .com, super media platform SUPPERELLE, ELLEplus App, ELLEfit chic& active platform, ELLE active, ELLE style Awards and CMBC-ELLE co-branded credit card, which owned over 3 millions cardholders. ELLE advocates creativity and embraces the latest trends in multimedia-platform content.
